User Testing - My takeaway
Iterative testing. Getting the customer involved early and often. These key ideas are not only frequently mentioned but thoroughly explained in books about a...
My individual team meets on Tuesdays, while we have an all-teams meeting on Mondays. I understand that some people don’t like meetings, or think that there are too many (waste of time). But there is merit to having two separate meetings. There is validity to all these meetings as long as time is being spent wisely.
It is fun seeing the other team’s projects - Some projects have been in development over several quarters, whereas mine is just beginning. It will be cool to see over the course of the next quarters what these projects evolv
Sometimes someone brings up a topic that applies to your project - I talked a little about Covidence, a website that helps you process papers for a systematic review. It even creates a PRISMA chart for you that you can use for your paper! Another group is at a stage where they are sorting through sources and trying to keep track of the relevant ones. That, along with Zotero have been game changers. Zotero is great for personal projects and collaboration. You upload papers yourself or with the plugin, directly from the website where you found the paper!
Our Monday meetings consist of each student writing a 4x4x4 status report: 4 things you worked on, 4 things you will be working on for next week, 4 things that are blocking you (very Agile!). One of my challenges was communication. We all know how essential communication is, I even bring that up on day one when I teach, and how good communication is essential for many aspects in life. So working on this project is no different. I want to instill better communication between the team because we barely talked and I was wondering what was going on. A daily standup can be effective since you get that face-to-face time every day. Since that is not feasable here and we only have face-to-face once a week, I asked my group to give a small status update on every Friday. But that wasn’t enough. I think I need to initiate conversations more, asking specific questions on what they have tried, so we don’t wait unitl the weekly meeting to find out.
Iterative testing. Getting the customer involved early and often. These key ideas are not only frequently mentioned but thoroughly explained in books about a...
It all started with a need. I attend weekly tech meetups and often share event details on Discord with my group. But as the list grew, keeping things organiz...
Eric Ries 2011
Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Braden Kowitz 2016
Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene 2014
What is this ‘Maker Faire?’
Getting the thoughts out there - using Lucidchart
What’s the least amount of (and most important) features we need to make for the design so that we can start testing?
How do you know when to stop? We discussed the research that our group has been working on. Two students are looking through the App Store and Google Play St...
AI/Tech Coffee Social ☕
Friday Team Meeting #1 - Online edition
Tuesday Team Meeting #2: Getting the hang of it
Monday Meeting #2: Reconvening after our First Full Week of Work
Maja Dakic 2023
Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden 2021
John Whalen, PhD. 2019