User Testing - My takeaway
Iterative testing. Getting the customer involved early and often. These key ideas are not only frequently mentioned but thoroughly explained in books about a...
In the beginning I wanted to establish a Friday checkin. It would be a quick, kind of like what we do on the Monday meetings, where we state what we worked on, what we’re doing between now and the next week, and any roadblocks. But this would just be written on our Discord server. And it was nice to see everyone’s updates! I admit, it kept me on my toes because I didn’t want to say I did nothing or not enough. At the Tuesday meeting though, our professor mentioned “I think you guys will need to have another meeting besides today.” So I wanted to try doing Friday meetings instead of the checkin. We don’t have to meet in-person all the time, so its fine that this was online.
My plan was to do the following:
I typed out a little blurb about where we were at with generating user personas, and why we’re doing this. This way everyone could be on the same page and ask questions. Next, my teammates and I talked about what we’d been working on.
I want to make a point in that we had been posting our research in our Discord server, but there’s something that’s more impactful when the author gets up (or in our case, unmutes) and presents their work. You get to hear everyone else’s ideas, and not your own assumptions. Discussions are sparked, instead of thoughts kept to oneself. Not to mention, its too easy for a link to get lost in a string of Discord posts, one that might have been posted but you were unable to read at that moment, and forgot about later.
I brought up about the drawing from the last Tuesday meeting and the categories for a user persona, so we discussed the user personas one of my teammates wrote up. It was interesting because there were overlaps with what I found. I did go through all the quotes from How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe and found some common themes. By the end of the meeting, we were able to pick out our 3 favorite personas, and will be presenting this on Monday’s meeting.
My other teammates are working on researching ADHD apps currently on the Play Store/App Store. Another question of ours is to see what features that users of these apps like and don’t like. It also came up to use the “Most helpful review” because they list the most helpful reviews, both positive and negative, at the top. Great way to help focus on what’s most important! We are also concerned with the design choices for these apps, so by Tuesday we’ll have a collection of app screenshots to visualize. We’ve already been looking through them, and some are quite beautiful and visually pleasing, while others maintain a minimalist design. I’m curious which style our users would prefer?
I probably didn’t need to go through every single quote bubble in How to ADHD. I did notice some common themes over time. While I didn’t write down every quote, I did flip through all the pages. The next step I want to work on is to go through the task management and ADHD apps with AI. But I don’t really need to go through all of them. My time would be best spent going through the most popular and established apps. Even if I only did 5.
Iterative testing. Getting the customer involved early and often. These key ideas are not only frequently mentioned but thoroughly explained in books about a...
It all started with a need. I attend weekly tech meetups and often share event details on Discord with my group. But as the list grew, keeping things organiz...
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How do you know when to stop? We discussed the research that our group has been working on. Two students are looking through the App Store and Google Play St...
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